Checklist 43: 5 Things to Know About Spam
Today’s episode is all about spam! No, not the mystery meat, but rather those mountains of junk email that clog up your inbox and take up your time.
Read ListenSecureMac presents The Checklist. Each week, Ken Ray and guests hit security topics. From getting an old iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, and other Apple gear ready to sell to the first steps to take to secure new hardware, each show contains a set of easy to follow steps meant to keep you safe from identity thieves, hackers, malware, and other digital downfalls. Check in each Thursday for a new Checklist!
Today’s episode is all about spam! No, not the mystery meat, but rather those mountains of junk email that clog up your inbox and take up your time.
Read ListenToday, Internet connectivity doesn’t just include computers and phones. It’s lights, cameras, thermostats, and more. It’s called the Internet of Things, and it’s the topic of today’s show! In this episode we’ll be taking a closer look at security concerns that come with all these new IoT devices.
Read ListenWhen it comes to online security, there are all sorts of ways to prove we are who we say we are. On this week’s Checklist, we’re talking authentication, authorization, and the difference between the two.
Read ListenRansomware, malware, DDoS attacks… Those are the kinds of things we tend to think of when someone says the work “hacker” today. That’s not what the word used to mean, though. We’re doing a bit of hacker history on today’s checklist, looking at Apple’s hacker roots and how that led to the ever growing Apple ecosystem.
Read ListenEver wonder how to become a computer security expert? On this edition of The Checklist, we’re looking at ways that anyone with a drive for it can pick up computer security skills and start down the path to becoming a computer security professional.
Read ListenThe world saw one of the largest ransomware attacks conducted so far just a couple of weeks ago. The story has captured public attention for longer than most digital security stories, and for good reason. From its shadowy origins to its very visible effects, the ransomware known as ‘WannaCrypt’ or ‘WannaCry’ is the topic for today’s edition of The Checklist.
Read ListenThere are bad guys out there who want to trick you into giving them your sensitive information. “Phishing,” as this practice of impersonation is known, is nothing new. With so much money flowing online and so much personal data available, more and more people are going phishing, which is the topic for today’s episode!
Read ListenWe are only halfway through Spring 2017 here in the states, and yet the season has already seen a lot of news-making malware. On today’s Checklist, we’ll break down the latest developments and cover what you need to know — and, where possible, how you can protect yourself.
Read ListenThis week we’re talking to you: Part II! It’s been awhile since our last Q&A episode, but the questions haven’t stopped coming in… and on today’s show we’ll answering questions sent in by listeners like you.
Read ListenDid you know that your Mac has a powerful suite of built-in sharing tools? Some of them are pretty straightforward, but others could used a bit more explanation. On today’s episode, we’ll cover the macOS Sharing Preferences: what you can do with them, and the potential impact they can have on your Mac’s security.
Read ListenWhat happens if you forget the password for your Mac? The good news is, your data is safe… the bad news is… you can’t have it. Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to try to get back into your Mac if you’ve forgotten your password. We’ll look at some of those on today’s Checklist.
Read ListenMost people already have shadow profiles on social media platforms, and they didn’t even set them up… because that’s not how they work. On today’s show, we’ll take a closer look at what Shadow profiles are, how they’re used, and the potential privacy concerns they raise.
Read ListenSpring is here, and you know what that means… It’s time for some spring cleaning! Over time and with continuous use, your hard drive can end up just as messy and disorganized as a lived-in home after a long winter. On today’s episode we’ll cover steps you can take to clean up and organize your Mac!
Read ListenAs helpful as the convenience of storing data in “the Cloud” can be, there are lots of examples of problems with cloud services causing disruption for individuals and for businesses. What happens when “the Cloud” goes bad? That’s our topic for this edition of The Checklist. We’ll look at problems you might encounter when using iCloud, as well as some of the broader issues with cloud computing in general.
Read ListenEncryption is big news today for security professionals and regular users as well. As more and more people are concerning themselves with keeping their communication secret, a large number of encrypted messaging apps are hitting the scene. How do you pick one? And what do you need to know about them?
Read ListenWhen you know where malware is most likely to be found and how it’s most likely to attack, you can take steps to avoid it. From email attachments to hacked websites, malware lurks in a number of places. On today’s episode, we’ll look at how malware is distributed: the means, the methods, and the most effective ways to mitigate the risks.
Read ListenWhen you suspect your Mac is infected, it’s important to take steps to find and fix the problem before the issue becomes severe — or worse, before your personal information is stolen. On today’s episode, we’ll look at the process you should follow if you think your Mac is suffering from a malware infection.
Read ListenThe last few months of 2016 were kind of quiet in terms of sightings of new Mac malware, but maybe that was just the calm before the storm. 2017 has already seen a plethora of newly discovered malware targeting the Mac. On today’s Checklist we’re covering five recent Mac malware threats and a bonus item: How to minimize those threats.
Read ListenThe internet is an important fixture in our lives, but definitely comes with some potential paths to hazards and threats, especially for kids. So what can you do to keep your kids safe? If you’re using a Mac – or if your child is, Apple includes a lot of tools in macOS that can help out. Today on The Checklist, we’ll look at five of the most important things to know about built-in parental controls on your Mac and how to use them effectively.
Read ListenJust about everyone has a smartphone these days, and many parents see the benefits in providing their children with a phone to keep in touch, or in case of an emergency. Smartphone also make it easier for children to be exposed to cyberbullying or inappropriate content, so how do you keep a child safe on the phone? We’re going to explore this topic more in depth on today’s episode!
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