GenPass Random Password Generator
Easy to use application to create fast random passwords (4 types of password and lengths from 4 to 20 characters). The utility can also create a list of passwords to be saved to a text file. All new passwords are automatically copied to the Clipboard.
GenPass has 4 types of passwords:
- Good
- Better
- Best
PIN, creates PIN (Perosnal Identification Number) type password (i.e. 1234). This format can be used for banking type passwords.
Good, creates passwords with lower case letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz) and numbers (01234567890).
Better, creates passwords with upper and lower case letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ) and numbers (01234567890).
Best, creates passwords with upper and lower case letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ), numbers (01234567890) and punctuation characters ( ()~`!@#$%^&*_-+={}|[]\:”;'<>,.?/ )
When the applications starts up, it will create a new “Better” password of 8 characters in length by default.
You can hit the return key to create a new random password or click on the “NEW” button.
You can change the passwords types by moving the vertical slider bar up or down. You can also use the “Up” and “Down” arrow keys.
You can change the length of the password by moving the horizontal slider bar to the right or to the left. You can also use the “Right” or “Left” arrow keys. You can change the value from 4 to 20 characters in length.
Any changes to the slider bar will create new passwords. You can also get new passwords by hitting the “Up”, “Down”, “Right” and “Left” arrow keys.
Any new password is automatically placed in the clipboard. You can paste the new password into any other application that accepts information from the clipboard. Just switch over to the other application and hit “Command” or the Apple Key + “v” to paste the password.
You will notice a small disclosure triangle on the lower left hand side of the window. If you click this triangle, the window will expand and you will see a new field and buttons. This option is used to create a list of passwords. By default the application can create 10 passwords. You can change the number of passwords created by changing “10” to a new value of your choice. Once the window is expanded, the “List” button becomes the default button.
Once you hit “List” or the Return key, a new list will be created in the larger field.
You can save the list to a text file by clicking on the “Save” button. A standard “Save” dialog window will come up allowing you to save the list to the new text file.
When a list is created it will also automatically be stored in the “Clipboard”. You can paste the list to another application.
You can change the password types and password lengths for lists in the same manner as discribed above the moving the slider bars.
To get out of “List” mode click back on the disclosure triangle and the main window will return back to its regular size.