SecureMac, Inc.

The Checklist Podcast

SecureMac presents The Checklist. Each week, Ken Ray and guests hit security topics. From getting an old iPhone, iPad, iPod, Mac, and other Apple gear ready to sell to the first steps to take to secure new hardware, each show contains a set of easy to follow steps meant to keep you safe from identity thieves, hackers, malware, and other digital downfalls. Check in each Thursday for a new Checklist!

The Checklist Podcast by SecureMac

Episode: Checklist 54: The Equifax Hack

Checklist 54: The Equifax Hack

The personal information of 143-million people may have been compromised when the consumer credit reporting agency Equifax was hacked. What do we know about the attack? And what can we do going forward?

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Episode: Checklist 50: Hacking Your Health

Checklist 50: Hacking Your Health

On today’s episode, we’re looking at the way technological change has affected modern medicine, threats the healthcare industry faces, and what we can do to protect patient safety now and in the future.

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Episode: Checklist 49: Artificial Intelligence and Security

Checklist 49: Artificial Intelligence and Security

The rise of artificial intelligence in the consumer space seems to have happened overnight. It feels like we’ve gone from Apple’s introduction of Siri to virtual assistants everywhere in the blink of an eye. On today’s episode, we’ll be covering some security concerns that accompany the rise of AI.

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Episode: Checklist 48: All About Spyware

Checklist 48: All About Spyware

On today’s episode we’ll be taking a look at spyware: what it does, where it comes from, and what you can do to defend against it.

Sometimes it’s pretty obvious when you’ve got a malware infection – ransomware lets you know that your files have been encrypted and are being held for ransom, while adware spawns endless popups in your web browser. Spyware operates a bit differently, and unlike other types of malware it prefers to remain hidden on an infected system. It might come as a surprise, but some spyware …

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Episode: Checklist 46: A Brief History of Malware

Checklist 46: A Brief History of Malware

On today’s Checklist, we’re cracking open the history books! We’ll be looking at the evolution of malware: from the early days of “joke” viruses to the serious threat it poses today.

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Episode: Checklist 42: The Internet of Things: New Devices, New Concerns

Checklist 42: The Internet of Things: New Devices, New Concerns

Today, Internet connectivity doesn’t just include computers and phones. It’s lights, cameras, thermostats, and more. It’s called the Internet of Things, and it’s the topic of today’s show! In this episode we’ll be taking a closer look at security concerns that come with all these new IoT devices.

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Episode: Checklist 40: Apple’s Hacker History

Checklist 40: Apple’s Hacker History

Ransomware, malware, DDoS attacks… Those are the kinds of things we tend to think of when someone says the work “hacker” today. That’s not what the word used to mean, though. We’re doing a bit of hacker history on today’s checklist, looking at Apple’s hacker roots and how that led to the ever growing Apple ecosystem.

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Episode: Checklist 39: 5 Ways to Work Towards New Security Skills

Checklist 39: 5 Ways to Work Towards New Security Skills

Ever wonder how to become a computer security expert? On this edition of The Checklist, we’re looking at ways that anyone with a drive for it can pick up computer security skills and start down the path to becoming a computer security professional.

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